4566 West Saanich Road, Victoria, BC V8Z 3G4
Phone: 250-479-0410
part-time: Thursdays 12-5pm
PASTOR: Ken Peters
(office: Monday-Thursday)
Saanich Community Church exists to worship God with our whole lives, to build one another up as a community of faith, and to engage in God’s mission of good news in the world.
As a congregation, we believe it is vital that we minister out of a common sense of who we are. The following core values shape the missional expression of our purpose [these were adopted by the congregation after an extensive visioning process].
- Balance. God calls us to worship, to live as a community of Jesus’ disciples, and to embody and proclaim the gospel. We value integrating these three endeavours, not to prioritising them.
- Innovation. Innovation allows us to more effectively bring God’s love into people’s lives. We value finding creative ways to edify one another, worship more authentically, and bring God’s good news to our world.
- Anabaptist. We value our Anabaptist/Mennonite roots and we operate out of this tradition. We see the distinctive character of the Anabaptist movement as an important addition to the Victoria Christian Community. In keeping with our tradition we welcome all those who want to seriously commit to following Jesus, regardless of their denominational backgrounds.
- Diversity and Unity. Scripture calls us to “maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4.3). We value supporting and encouraging each other in our individual involvements, while still maintaining a strong sense of community. We realize that we need each other. Also, we value balancing the diversity of views within our congregation and working to maintain unity and loving relations in spite of our differences.
- People. Saanich Community Church is a group of believers who gather regularly at 4566 West Saanich Road, Victoria, BC. Saanich Community Church is not contained within a building but exists wherever its people are found. We value the church gathered on Sunday morning, and we value the church scattered all over greater Victoria and beyond.
- Equipping. We value teaching our people the story of God’s good news and equipping them to live as Christians wherever God has sent them.
- Partnership. We value enhancing our effectiveness by building partnerships with other groups who share complementary purposes.
We are members of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, and hold to the Confession of Faith (link) of that body of believers. For more information about Mennonites please see our Resources page.
S.C.C. is led by a Ministries Council comprised of our pastor, and volunteers who are discerned and affirmed by the congregation on an annual basis.
- Moderator
- Asst. Moderator
- Treasurer
- Multicultural Ministry & Outreach
- Mission Initiatives
- Worship Ministry
- Children’s Class
- Fellowship & Hospitality
- Facilities & Grounds
Pastor – Rev. Ken Peters
Ken & Yvonne live in Brentwood Bay, coming from Killarney Park MB Church where he was lead pastor (1995-2010). They have 3 adult children: Aaron, Laura & Rachel. Ken has served and provided leadership on denominational boards in matters of faith & life. Other interests include gardening, canning preserves, cooking and cycling. Ken has a BRS from C.M.U.; a BA in Religious Studies from U. of Winnipeg; a M.Div. from MBBS in Fresno, CA and a Doctor of Ministry from Carey Theological College, Vancouver.
Office Administrator – Nancy
Part-time: Thursdays (12-5)
Manages the office, rental bookings, accounts payable/bookkeeping, weekly bulletins, record keeping, and the website calendar updates.
Church office: 250-479-0410
To enquire about rentals please email the Office Administrator at office@saanichcommunity.ca (see photos below). Our minimum rental time is 4 hours (with fees quoted below for 4 hour increments).
The sanctuary (upstairs auditorium) is wheelchair accessible, has a grand piano, and seats about 130 in comfortable padded chairs – fee $150 (4 hrs). The lower hall (level back entry) seats about 75 with folding-tables & chairs available, has a small kitchen with serving counter, washrooms, and a side-nook area – fee $125 (4 hrs). A small meeting room off the lower hall can seat 15-18 people – fee $60. Please note that SCC prefers to not rent the facilities on Saturday evenings.